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Behaviour, Conditioning, Reward


Since more than 50 years Ugo Basile designs and manufactures classic and innovative devices, essential in animal behavioral studies.

Whether your research involves the study of memory, learning, anxiety, depression, fear, stress, social interaction, addiction, or more complex behavioural protocols, we have the answer: our line of conditioning/avoidance cages, mazes, videotracking, etc. keeps growing thanks to always new devices and methods.

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  • Animal
    Traditional, Infrared
    Operant Fear Conditiong Cage in a Fear Conditioning Isolation Cubicle, view of the operant wall

    The Operant Fear Conditioning Cage couples a classic skinner box with sound and light cues for complex experiments, as well as standard operant tests and fear conditioning protocols.

    Electric Schock Meter

    An essential instrument to measure current on Ugo Basile devices using electric shock grid, such the Fear Conditioning System, Active an Passive avoidance system.

    Give the research the ability to measure the electric shock current not measurable by a common volt-meter. To ensure that the same current is delivered on multiple electric shock grids, while performing multiple test in...

    Mouse, Rat
    Fear Conditioning System. Cubicle front view with door open and animal cage with checkerboard contexts mounted

    The Ugo Basile Fear Conditioning system is composed of:

    • Isolation cubicle, including all electronics, fan, IR/VIS lights, camera (up to 16 cubicles can be connected to 1 PC)
    • The animal cage is available in different dimensions for rats and mice, plus the observational learning version to allow two animals to see each other. The standard...